At Affirm, we offer BodyFX by Contoura to get rid of the fat and tighten the skin over those new slimmer contours. What’s not to love about that?
How does BodyFX eliminate fat?
The BodyFX applicator delivers radiofrequency energy, deep tissue heating, and light vacuum pressure to distribute heat to the skin and the underlying fat layer. When the applicator is applied to the skin, it uses light suction to draw up the area to enable radiofrequency energy to be sent from pole to pole directly across the area. The RF energy distributes heat into the targeted tissue causing the tissues to heat and contract. Once the tissue reaches the prescribed temperature, a second energy pulse is delivered that kills the fat cells. These fat cells are then eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system, as it does with any waste products.
The heating first prepares the fat and then the second energy pulse delivers the killing power, but the heating has a secondary by-product — it stimulates collagen production to tighten the skin for weeks after treatment.
Where can I have body contouring done?
BodyFX permanently kills adipose tissue to reduce the amount of fat and slims the contour across the treatment area. At Affirm, we use BodyFX on the abdomen, love handles, hips, thighs, back fat, and other areas. The BodyFX applicator provides flexibility on the areas treated. BodyFX has the added benefits of heating the tissue causing skin contraction and improving the appearance of cellulite.
When will I see results from BodyFX?
The fat cells destroyed by the BodyFX radiofrequency energy are permanently eliminated, but it takes some time for the body to dispose of them. You’ll notice a difference in your skin tightening immediately after your session, and this will also improve as the body produces new collagen in response to the heating in the dermis and fat layers. As the body flushes more and more dead fat cells from the system, you’ll continue to see your contour improve. These improvements reach their peak at from 2-4 months, but they can continue for 6 months or longer.
Interested in slimming your contour with BodyFX at Affirm Health Center? Call us at (417) 823-3901 to make an appointment.